How PvP matchmaking works in Hearthstone Mercenaries.

3 years ago

How PvP matchmaking works in Hearthstone Mercenaries.
Alongside the launch of Hearthstone Mercenaries, the game’s developers provided insights on its PvP mode in a blog post on Tuesday.
According to Lead Data Scientist Tian, the new system has two ideas at its core.
Firstly, the ratings take into account a player’s skill over time, as opposed to team composition, mercenary level, or ability and equipment level.
Secondly, matchmaking takes rating, ability and equipment levels, mercenary levels and party roles into account.
This is to help ensure that matches are fair and have a reasonable queue time.
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Ratings overview.
There are two ratings in the Hearthstone Mercenaries PvP system.
The internal rating represents a player’s current skill level.
This value doesn’t reset at the beginning of each season, and it’s determined after a player has battled in initial placement matches.

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