Level... The Movie. Uncensored.

3 years ago

LeveL... <End to End> Earth is FLAT!

"You can't make this shit up"... But NASA DID! Over and Over again. Still doing it... Faking it. Bullshitting... Lying... Moon landing fraud. Mars landing fraud. Stealing our money... $50 Million+ PER DAY...

AssTrollActors are just that... Actors, Liars, Deceivers (it's what NA[S]HA means in Hebrew), Con Artists, Shills......

Please, Rumble with me...

PS - I do, sometimes, censor Shill/Trolls for their nasty, non-productive, name calling! HARASSING people who simply want truthful and straight forward conversations. There is no time left in this world for people such as these... And I'm not sorry for doing it.
*Rumble... Thanks for Not allowing the photo change. GoToMyChannelToSeeOthersVidsGettingDroppedDownOrOut!

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