"Feast or Famine"

3 years ago

Heart of the Cross “Quick Word” with Curtis Pruett
Wednesday, October 13h, 2021
Thought for the Day:
“Feast or Famine??”

They soon plan to use robots in hospitals!
(Hanson robotics)

(Video:RECEIPTS! Patent PROVES Vxx is Obedience Training Platform)

Folks, I am Pastor at Union Church in Solsberry and you're certainly welcome to come join us for our midweek service, tonight at 6pm, the address is below. We'd love to have you!
God bless!!

Union Church
7054 N State Road 43
Solsberry, IN 47459
Sunday School: 9:30am
Morning Worship 10:30am
Sunday Evening 6pm
Wednesday Evening 6pm

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