The Economy is Dying

2 years ago

#letsgobrandon #impeachjoebiden #standforfreedom #smallbusiness

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I have heard, and used to buy into, the line of thinking so common in this country that this is the best place to do business. I now know from experience that is not true, and has not been true for a couple decades. Government regulations are choking off most small businesses before they can ever get past the idea phase.

Do you have a small business? Have you tried to start a small business? It takes a lot of money here in the US. If you wanted to start a restaurant, you have to buy all kinds of equipment, rent commercial space, and pass all kinds of inspections. For someone who is among the working class, probably making $15 an hour, this is just a far off dream. Why do small businesses have to meet the same regulations as the biggest businesses?

In China there is also a lot of red tape to get around, but it is much easier, and costs much less. Poor people tired of farming often put together food stands, and even after paying off the local authorities to look the other way, manage to clear $100 a night. They are able to rapidly build up enough money to open an actual restaurant, and keep moving up.

If you go to China, you will see more small businesses than you can count. They are everywhere, and because of that they are thriving where we are not. The economy in this way is like a garden, or a forest. If there are no seedlings growing on the forest floor, then there will be nothing to take the place of the big trees when they eventually die and fall down. If that continues, then the entire forest will eventually disappear. The United States has become like that forest without any new growth. A walk down almost any main street will reveal empty shop after empty shop. Even the big trees are now starting to fall, we have just a few left in the form of companies like Amazon and Walmart. The forest is dying, and there isnt anything to take its place.

Somehow the United States and China have traded places. We are adopting a communist/fascist style system that is doomed to fail spectacularly at some point, and they have adopted our former free market style economy (on the small business level). To make matters worse, our political class seems bent on destroying small business entirely. This needs to change if we are going to have any sort of future here.

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