Remdesivir And Midazolam are killers

3 years ago

1. Dr Michael Yeadon States Most COVID19 Deaths Directly Attributed To Remdesivir And Midazolam. In Sweden they gave morphin to kill old people.
2. Here is a creepy prophecy from 2009. What do you think?
3. This is from the 30's! They have 100 year plans and they tell us right out in the open all the time but we don't pay attention!
4. Reporter Kristi Leigh attempted to file a police report regarding pornographic materials found in the library of her child’s school and was shut down by local law enforcement.
5. Josep Pàmies shares his knowledge on medicinal plants to detoxify from elements that have been added to vaccines. He is interviewed by Rafa Navarro (cop225), the policeman who got the famous Pfizer vaccine vial that was analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra.

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