The David Knight Show 12Oct21 - Unabridged

3 years ago


2:04 STOP Mandate BLUFF: It’s NOW or NEVER. As “deadline” for jab or job arrives, resistance builds. If we fail, here’s what’s next…

32:57 Nurse fired for no jab, hospital system uses HER PICTURE to recruit her replacement and offer a BONUS to the replacement worker

43:54 A Tale of Two Mandate Challenges: Religious & Medical Exemptions. Verdicts on two challenges to jab mandates, two different colleges in Michigan, one religious exemption and one medical exemption — two very different verdicts

51:42 Listeners’ letters. A cop realizes I’m not anti-cop. Fauci’s narcissism on display in his documentary.

1:01:11 Rikers Island — the inmates are running the asylum, LITERALLY. Alarming, but perhaps a glimmer of hope ;-)

1:09:48 Kids’ Psychological Damage “Face Blindness” as Mask War Escalates in Florida. Leftist writer realizes how her kindergartener is being damaged psychologically. Florida & Biden wage war with competing fines & subsidies over school boards’ mask policy

1:29:45 Perfect storm of climate rules for lockdown, depopulation, energy shortage

1:34:52 Charles Runs His Car on “Wine & Cheese”? Globalists Taking Down Power Grid Around the World. In country after country, the globalists are taking down the power grid in the name of “climate change”. USA, Europe, even India & China can’t get “demon coal” and are rationing. It’s a war.

1:53:21 From Bill Maher to Rabobank everyone sees what Biden is doing to jobs, infrastructure and energy — bracing for what’s next. Volatility in lumber in housing market, commercial real estate on the rocks

1:59:12 Another veteran cop in Australia comes out against the police state

2:12:02 Listeners’ letters. County patriots organizing, “taking back country, one county at a time”, USDA blackmailing companies to comply with masks & vaccine mandates, and a good source for ivermectin during the shortage

2:29:17 Drug Store Gives 4 & 5 yo Kids Pfizer — Heart Issues Ensue. Retail therapy. Drug store mixes up flu shot w Trump shot. Gives adult dose (3x’s recommended but adults have been given 6x’s with errors)

2:38:04 “Operation Warped Screed” and cognitive dissonance. Pastor hates vax, complains about Trump continuing to support taking his shots, will help people with religious exemption — but defends Trump even though he created the jabs and pushed to remove religious exemptions.

2:54:46 “BLT Sandwich”: Making “Humanized Mice” with Baby Parts. “Scientists” at UNC, Chapel Hill working with the infamous Robert Baric display a callous disregard for human life in their hideous “research”. Original article:

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