Concealed Carry – Pot & Corona Virus

3 years ago

More Than 21-Million Concealed Carry Holders, Up 10.5% In 2020

We knew that the Great Gun Run of 2020 led to millions of new gun owners, but according to a new report from the Crime Prevention Research Center, it also led to a huge increase in the number of individuals licensed to carry a firearm. The CRPC report shows that there are an estimated 21.5-million concealed carry licensees across the United States, and the rate of growth is phenomenal; up 48% over the past five years and a 10.5% increase in 2020 alone.
Constitutional Carry and Permitless Carry: Breaking Down the Pros and Cons

Each year we have observed more states passing laws that remove the permit requirement for carrying a handgun. These laws are known as constitutional carry or permitless carry. In fact, at the time of this post (July 2021), constitutional carry laws are on the books in 20 states, and on September 1st, Texas will join making the number 21. The law is controversial, partly because public officials and news reporters associate it with lawlessness, which misleads people. So it is essential to answer some common questions about constitutional carry.
Criminal Justice Expenditures: Police, Corrections, and Courts

Police expenditures include spending on police, sheriffs, state highway patrols, and other governmental departments charged with protecting public safety.

Corrections expenditures are for the operation, maintenance, and construction of prisons and jails, as well as the activities of probation officers and parole boards.

Courts expenditures, which the Census defines as “judicial” expenditures, cover government spending on civil and criminal courts plus spending on activities associated with courts such as prosecuting and district attorneys, public defenders, witness fees, law libraries, and register of wills. It does not include probation or crime victim compensation and reparation.1
Smoking weed and coronavirus: Even occasional use raises risk of Covid-19 complications

If you’re smoking weed to ease your stress during the coronavirus pandemic, experts say it’s time to think twice.
Smoking marijuana, even occasionally, can increase your risk for more severe complications from Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
Diversity Is Not Our Strength — And The Lie Is Deliberate

“Diversity is our strength.” You’ve heard it over and over again, and it seems simple enough. It doesn’t matter if it’s not true; it’s a basic feel-goodism — the kind of phrase that adorns the kitschy signs Bed Bath and Beyond sells for people to hang in their kitchen. A “live, laugh, love” sort of thing. If only.

Rather, in America today, “Diversity is our strength” is a commanding ethos: It governs the minds of the Joint Chiefs, it informs the decisions of our top policymakers, it drives the campaigns of the political left, it animates the activities of the activist left, and it’s scribbled on the chalkboards of our children’s schools.

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