Judge Judy ditches sidekick after 25 years.

3 years ago

Judge Judy ditches sidekick after 25 years.
He’s been stood beside Judge Judy every episode for 25 years – and her TV bailiff says he’s “confused and dismayed” to get the axe.
Fans of Judge Judy may notice a glaring absence in her upcoming reboot TV series, Judy Justice, set to land on US streaming service IMDb TV this November.
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Much to his dismay, Bailiff Petri Hawkins Byrd will not appear in the series.
In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, the former TV personality revealed that he actually expected to continue with Judy Sheindlin for quite a while longer than what was offered.
“My assumption is if you were going on to do something else, that you were at least going to ask me if I wanted to have the opportunity to audition for the role,” Byrd said.
“I didn’t have time to think about or ask about Judy Justice.
It wasn’t until July that I called the judge and asked, ‘Hey, should I look for something else or am I included in the Judy Justice project?‘”

Byrd stated that he didn’t find out about the new project until Sheindlin discussed it while appearing on an episode of The Ellen Show in March, 2020.

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