3 years ago

Each of us is actually by nature a pure love particle. Our natural condition is to love the Supreme Soul and to love all other living beings unconditionally. Because of this we need to experience loving and being loved. When we first come to this material world, we no longer experience this loving union with the Supreme Soul. When we then express this spiritual need for pure love through our material body and mind in this world, this love easily becomes polluted by self-centeredness. Spiritual love can become material lust when my focus is on myself rather than on pleasing the object of my love.
Our spiritual nature is full of qualities such as compassion, kindness, forgiveness, tolerance and selflessness. We are all like a very precious diamond. Just as a diamond can become very covered by dirt, we can also become covered by undesirable qualities such as lust, anger, greed, envy, hatred etc. Such qualities do not belong in our heart, but unfortunately most of us have accepted them to be normal in this world.
A pure diamond still exists even when it is surrounded by mountains of dirt. Similarly, our pure love is still there in our hearts even when our hearts become covered by self-centeredness. The ancient yoga wisdom actually states that this pure love for the Supreme is eternally established in the hearts of all living beings. It is not something that we need to gain from an external source.

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