Is Sparkling Water GOOD For You? - Hydro Bro: Ep. 10

3 years ago

Is Sparkling Water Healthy?
Our favorite Hydro Bro is back with a very interesting topic: sparkling water. He explores what science has said about sparkling water to answer the question: Is sparkling water helpful or harmful to drink?

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*Video Transcript*
"Sparkling water goes by many other names like: carbonated water, seltzer water, club soda, soda water - so what is sparkling water? Simply put, sparkling water is water that has been infused with carbon dioxide gas. But is sparkling water good for you? If soda is so bad for you wouldn't sparkling water also be bad? Well unlike soda, sparkling water lacks all that nasty sugar and syrup that makes soda so unhealthy leaving you with just water and carbonation. So it's nearly identical to water just spicier. But what about carbonation? Surely that's harmful to my body - won't it melt my teeth? Once again without sugar it's mostly harmless. Studies have shown that compared to regular water, sparkling water is only slightly more damaging to your teeth. In fact, sparkling water was a hundred times less damaging to your enamel than normal soda. Okay but what about my gut and my digestive system? Actually studies have shown that sparkling water can be beneficial to your digestive system and gut, the main benefits being constipation relief and an increased feeling of fullness, which could actually help prevent overeating. Sparkling water can also help ease your stomach pains from indigestion. So is sparkling water bad for you? No, absolutely not, in fact it could actually be considered healthy, it may not be the miracle fountain of youth drink but it is a lot better than soda and other sugary drinks. Sparkling water isn't bad but should you replace it with the water you're already drinking? Absolutely not, if you really want to level up your water try out Echo Antioxidant Water from Synergy Science to keep your body free from oxidative stress. So remember to raise a glass and hydrate mate."

#Health #Wellness #Hydrogen #water #science

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