The Madness of Prince Philip

3 years ago

meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a (mĕg′ə-lō-mā′nē-ə, -mān′yə)
1. A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence. Belief in absolute divine right.
2. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.
meg′a·lo·ma′ni·ac′ n.
meg′a·lo·ma·ni′a·cal (-mə-nī′ə-kəl), meg′a·lo·man′ic (-măn′ĭk) adj.

Or in this case: they have an obsession with how other people behave. It's like demented road rage when other drivers refuse to get out of your way. When you totally believe you have the absolute right of way and are convinced everyone must obey your every whim.

Illusions of Grandeur on stilts.

These people are seriously sick. Unfortunately it's not just one or two. It's all of them. They have all been seriously addicted to #Adrenochrome for decades, which is known to cause severe mental illness.

The bottom line: We are the ones suffering the consequences of their uncontrolled madness.

What makes this entire situation so disturbing, is that they control the Justice System, Police, Govt, Elections, and Town Councils. Their Facilitators dictate every aspect of our normal daily lives.

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