Gettysburg, PA commemorative parade, circa 1955

3 years ago

Found on 16mm film from an estate, the film can with this was marked just "Gettysburg." This looks to be a commemorative parade in the streets of Gettysburg, itself.....maybe Veterans Day or Fourth of July or the anniversary of the battle has active duty military bands and marching units, but also Union and Confederate re-enactors and schools' marching bands. It also has plane and helicopter flyovers, so looks like it was a pretty big deal. I'm guessing the date to be around 1955 to's in black and white, not color, and unfortunately silent, and no titles or credits, so it seems to be taken on a 16mm "home movie" camera. 1963 would have been the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, so that might be a good guess. Enjoy.

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