3 years ago

IA 2030 Implementing the Immunization Agenda globally. Leave n-one behind. Everyone, everywhere at every age.
Target Vaccine hesitancy and anti-vaxers.
Plan, monitor and evaluate, communicate nationally, regionally and globally.

Evidence based data -data in and data out, reward the policy makers afterall thats where these academic's receive their funding from for further research. Look after those that feed them and they will look after themselves.

Global populations have been injected with IA2030- UN Agenda 2030 17 SDG's. Global Development Goals. (2015). 14 of these 17 global development goals relate to immunizations, vaccinations to be implemented globally, leave no-one behind.

All preplanned before the onset of COVID-19. Demand and control populations everywhere, everyone, every age. The Decade of Vaccines. 2020-2030 (IA2030)

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