Noah walked with G d how does that apply to us

3 years ago

What is the word that is translated as “walk?” It is the Hebrew word ‘halakh’ or halakha. The root word means to walk or to go or to travel. In all the examples cited above the Bible uses one form or another of the word halakh, heh, lamed, kaf. The word halakha come to mean much more than just a description of motion using our feet.
Adam walked with God in the Garden.
In last week’s Parsha we read about Enoch. Enoch walked continually with God
Noach walked continually with God
It may be the most classic recurrent gag in screen history. One character asks another for directions. The second character helpfully responds, “Walk this way,” and starts leading. The first character obligingly mimics his guide’s weird manner of walking.
Imitation is at the core of discipleship. If we are disciples of Yeshua, then we should copy him.

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