Facebook & Youtube Had Their SWEEP You getting It Yet?

3 years ago

⁣⁣The money is the glue Youtubers are trapped by the money that is why they will not leave. YouTube no longer pays for truth the demonitise your channel. Dont let people fool you when they on youtube spitting truth but avoiding sanction! they cant tell you the real truth or they will not get paid for their video. All you need is 1000Subs on YouTube and 4000hours watch time. They will then contact you and offer you revenue for your contents as long as you stick to the rules, which change from week to week under the new censorship!.

They dont want to leave youtube as when you go to other platforms you have to rely on donation, and the truth is no one wants to work for free. But we are in a time where truth should be more important and you should not be bound by the money.
MIRRORED: https://brandnewtube.com/v/caQFbX

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