Short And Powerful

3 years ago

Surrender, quite a LARGE word, because it means you can’t serve yourself first, or look out for your interests before others. It means selflessness on the behalf of others, a life where your reality of truth is you saying no to self and surrendering to a God-first kind of life style. So Yes, surrender of all things you first, is living large. It might be said that surrender is not about serving no power higher than yourself. We can kindle our own fire, but it will flame out. So, who would you rather serve? Yourself or God? Our Awe GOD, He is inestimable, infallible, incredible, immeasurable, inexhaustible, incalculable, innumerable, invaluable, indescribable, inconceivable, indistinguishable, this is the love of God. Why would you not want to surrender your life to God and live out of the power of His love, strength and truth?! Surrender is immensely idyllic as a God Adventurous life, living large and experiencing life miraculously so. Apart from God, what can you truly do for yourself? Can you cheat death? Will you have a future after death? No, all of us will die, YES, our future and hope is in Jesus Christ. Surrender to God, live this short life powerfully.
As we walk through life, our human condition does not naturally want to let go and let God, as God is so very good at changing things up. Surrender is letting God lead our life, giving Him total access to our life, and being willing follow God anywhere He says to go, because we believe in Him and believe what He says in such complete heart to heart trust, that we are willing to abandon our will, way and life to Him. There is no greater love, no greater sacrifice, than a life of surrender, a life purposefully set apart and serving God’s Kingdom. We are challenged on this day to be bold and courageous, set apart with God purpose and living for God. Surrender is a good choice, and the question is, will we lay our lives out on His harvest field, so others can know Him, and become a part of His Forever Kingdom. This is what true surrender is, and it is a powerful way to live this short life on this side of heaven.
Short and powerful, humble and lifesaving, that was Jesus’ life here when He came to us and ushered in the greatest transformation this world would ever know, death to life, through the meekness of power under the control of purposeful surrender. If you don’t know Jesus, then do what it takes to get to know Him. No doubt about it. A God Surrendered life is powerful, because it leads to followship of Jesus, our Proven, and there is no more powerful way to live this life than yielded to the Father God, our Proof, and led by The Holy Spirit of God, our Prover. Surrender Is Powerful! Jesus Christ in you, the hope of glory, a hope that does not disappoint. Surrender To God! Let go and let God take you places way out in the deep, places you would never have gone, experiencing God Adventure you could not even begin to imagine or hope for. I Hope We Choose To Take Our Short Lives Here And Live Large~ Live Powerfully In Christ Jesus.
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