3 years ago

Former London banker Alexander Pohl worked for years for one of the world’s greenest banks. Idealistically driven, he financed big wind and solar farms, genuinely convinced he was making the world a better place.
Money laundering at its best. Al Gore is a FRAUD! Also, another money laundering op= Al Gore was a partner or part owner to Current TV after he was vice president ( a sweet gig for political favors during office). He then was able to be part of the sale to Al Jazeera for a cool $70 million in profit. Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich stated during a recent campaign event that the United Nations was seeking to create an “extraconstitutional control” over the US with programs like Agenda 21. Gingrich’s remarks are featured in a YouTube video. But what is Agenda 21 and why has it taken nearly 20 years before this subject got national recognition?

Agenda 21 seeks to control populations through zoning and seizure of private property, strip national sovereignty, reduce the world population, even control our consumption of meat and air conditioning ... all in the name of the environment. And who can be against the environment, right?

Many Americans cringe at the mention of “global government” or “conspiracy.” And often, conspiracy theories have little basis in fact. But we must recognize that it is a basic element of human nature to seek wealth and power, and that people throughout human history have conspired together to do so. Not all conspiracies are real, but they do exist. And Agenda 21 is a perfect example on a global scale.

Gradually, he woke up to the fact that today’s green is a broken system. He gave up banking and emigrated with his family to his little forest paradise in remote, northern Sweden. The dream was to get back to Nature, start an eco-farm and put as much distance as he could between his family and the industrialization of nature.

Until a wind park was planned at the gates of his paradise garden.

Documentarian Marijn Poels and Alexander Pohl are taking the journey together to ask questions and unravel the green wonderland to its true core.

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