2021 OCT 02 OAN Ivermectin DEFEATS CoV-19 in Uttar Pradesh India population 241m people CoV19 free

3 years ago

India Govt. Declares Most Populated State Officially COVID Free After Widespread Use of Ivermectin

While the mainstream media condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.


Uttar Pradesh is a state in India with a population of 241 million which is similar to all of America, crammed into a single state of India.

Social distancing is an impossibility.

Only 5.6% of the state is vaccinated.

YET... The state has become COVID FREE, with the success being attributed to IVERMECTIN PROTOCOLS.

The same Ivermectin Protocols that are being disregarded or even actively suppressed by Western governments such as America, Canada, Europe and Australia have saved this state in India, along with Bihar.

ORIGINAL SOURCE TELEGRAM CHANNEL: https://www.oann.com/india-govt-declares-most-populated-state-officially-covid-free-after-widespread-use-of-ivermectin/

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