COVID-19 Global Pandemic: True Numbers of Infections by Country and IFR update 10.08.2021

3 years ago

This bar chart race shows the estimated Covid-19 cases by country and world. Cumulative estimated cases, daily estimated cases, confirmed deaths, IFR (infection fatality rate) for the estimate.

The date range is from November 29th 2019 until September 27th 2021.

Real number of deaths can be higher or lower than the reported ones.

The estimated infection numbers are aggregated averages from two epidemiological models. Some few smaller countries and territories are not estimated. For Peru, only the IHME model is used.

Imperial College London (ICL), Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and John Hopkins University (CSSE)

The Fury by Scott Buckley –

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