Scarlet Nexus Walkthrough: Yuito Finale

3 years ago

Guardian here and we finally made it to the end of Yuito's story in Scarlet Nexus leaving only kasane's story :D thank you all for liking not only these Scarlet Nexus streams/videos but all my other streams/videos as well :) next time we'll be going back into code vein for a "Halloween themed" stream but Scarlet Nexus i'll finish when I get back into it where we'll do kasane next :)

Thank you all again so much your the best :D

Disclaimer: if your wondering why it abruptly starts in the Middle, it was due to some connection issues causing the stream to disconnect so I had to start the stream again, I decided to upload this section since it not only runs better but the other section didn't have much going on either, sorry for the technical issues :(

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