‘Approximately 12% of the vote, of 100,000 votes a day needed to be adjudicated, to determine ..‘

3 years ago

(One of the most impactful witnesses) Testimony given at the: 'ARIZONA ELECTION INTEGRITY HEARING' on 11/30/2020

Election Volunteer testified that 'No ballot tabulation happening, it was simply Adjudication' ..'Approximately 12% of the vote, of 100,000 votes a day needed to be Adjudicated, to determine the value or the voters intent' in Maricopa County Tabulation Center (10/25/2020)

Also spoke of on 11/1/2020:
Contracted 3rd party employee by the county, he's actually paid by Dominion
Makes a complete copy of the entire voter file
'.. Cannot interfere with people voting'

#2000Mules (https://2000mules.com)

Segment of:

10+ Hour Original Source:

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