McConnell Blinks and Taiwan is on the Brink + Ask Me Anything | The Charlie Kirk Show LIVE 10.08.21

3 years ago

The Charlie Kirk Show is LIVE on Salem Radio Stations across the country with analysis of the latest disappointment out of Washington DC—where Mitch McConnell and 10 other "Republicans" banded together to give Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and the Biden Regime a massive political victory at the expense of the American people. Also—major foreign policy movements in Taiwan as China's unchecked aggression comes to a head, and an update on the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan which every American should continue to pay close attention to. PLUS—in the second hour, Charlie takes the questions you email to him LIVE on air. Send your thoughts, opinions, and questions to for a chance to have it answered and be entered into the running for a free signed copy of 'The MAGA Doctrine.'

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