Mark 4 - The Parable of the Sower

3 years ago

This parable is essential to understand all of Jesus' other divine parables as it makes clear that what is necessary to understand Jesus' teachings is a prior faith in Him, and that He will not enlighten those who refuse to believe.

A sower (you and I) sows seed (the Gospel); some falls on the Path (wayside), Stony Ground and among Thorns, and is lost, but when it falls on good soil it grows, yielding a great harvest of 30, 60 and 100 fold.

The main message is NOT about the Sower (i.e. preacher style), or the Seed (i.e. intellectually or emotionally pleasing or prosperity ways of explaining the Word); but is it about the SOILS (the condition of the listener’s heart determines their response to the Word).

Jesus commissions us to be "Sower" of the Gospel and share it to everyone, however, he explains why people will react to the message differently. Some will reject it, and as a result they are spiritually blinded from understanding the meaning of the spiritual truths as a judgement from God. Some will accept it, but quickly fall away to fear of man and persecution, and as a result be ashamed of the Gospel before men. Others will be tempted by riches and material pleasures, and pride and selfish desires will prevent them from bearing good fruit. But some will be "good soil" and bear much fruit.

This is one of the most important teaching Jesus gave, but you must be willing to believe, or God will not let you see the light and understand.

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