2021 OCT 04 DoD Docs Expose Hospitalized VAXXED Count EXCLUSIVE Images of Vaxxed Blood and Vials

3 years ago

TRUTH: DoD Documents Expose Hospitalized Fully Vaxxed Patient Numbers

EFFECTS: EXCLUSIVE Images of the effects of the Vaccinated Blood!

VIAL CONTENT: EXCLUSIVE Images of Content in the Vials!

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: Attorney Thomas Renz: joined Stew Peters to reveal the highly censored DoD documents proving that the "vaccine" is more dangerous than it is helpful, as the vast majority of patients over 65 hospitalized with "COVID" are more-than-likely experiencing injury from the shots!

VACCINATED BLOOD: Dr. Zandre Botha: was shocked after studying the blood of "vaccinated" patients that were coming to her with serious illness after being injected with the shots being called "Covid vaccines". After being presented with vials of the substance, she examined the contents and was horrified.

UNBRIDLED LUNACY: Dr. Jane Ruby: joins "The Stew Peters Show" to dissect the most recent warnings about your Cats, Dogs, and Birds. It's best to just inject them ALL!

GOVERNMENTAL OVERREACH EXPOSED: U.S. Congressman, Dr. Paul Gosar, joined "The Stew Peters Show" in an unfiltered segment of truth surrounding the overreaching tyrannical state of America.

ORIGINAL SOURCE: SP October 4, 2021 https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/10/stew-peters-show-dod-docs-expose-hospitalized-vaxx-patient-numbers-exclusive-images-of-vaxxed-blood-and-vials/

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