Making History Part 7

3 years ago

I pull out the old Stevens shotgun I got everything for free except the bolt which cost $85 and shoot slugs and buckshot from 100 yards away with it then move up closer

I see Turkeys and Hogs on the game cam and find they are trying to undermine the feeder and try to fix that several ways later in the video

Skip shows up with a 338 Winchester magnum and it has some very nice ballistics with his hand loads

I get a new AR500 target from back when I use to shop at Walmart and that was on of the last things I got there before I boycotted them for treating their wetback labor like slaves and being anti gun in every way

I then find the Thermal scope is loose and think that is all there is to it but later find it does not hold zero is the biggest problem making it worthless for anything

I shoot four different weight bullets into a nice group showing how the pulsar scope can be adjusted to do that

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