They had to push the green button on the tabulation machine since the poll worker told them to do so

3 years ago

(One of the most impactful witnesses) Testimony given at the: 'ARIZONA ELECTION INTEGRITY HEARING' on 11/30/2020

Election observer testifies they (voters) 'They had to push the green button on the tabulation machine since the poll worker, told them to do so, but didn't tell them that the machine rejected their ballot, and what options they had to correct their ballots..'

- Was asked to observe the ballot opening, sorting and processing
- Not shown or allowed to see the mail receiving room operations
- Ballots that were picked up were taken out to a truck that had California plates
- Arizona GOP received many calls and complaints, when they checked, their ballot hadn't been counted

Veteran poll watcher and observer in the 2016, 2018 & 2020 Elections
Problems with green button (Cast-Triangular shape) on the Tabulation machine
Some other interesting things..
#2000Mules (

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