Doctors Speak Out against COVID-19 Lies

3 years ago

Seventeen doctors with extensive experience treating patients with symptoms attributed to COVID-19, gathered on the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington, DC, to express their grave concern over the misinformation and outright lies being spread by corrupt politicians and public-health officials relating to COVID-19. These doctors say that, from personal experience, they know the coronavirus is easily treated, is a serious threat to only about one-half of one percent of the population (mostly the very old) and, even if it were otherwise, wearing masks and social distancing would have zero protective effect. Furthermore, presently mandated medical practices and treatments are killing far more people than the virus. It’s impossible to discount these honorable men and women who have nothing to gain and are jeopardizing their careers by speaking out. 2020 Oct 17 – Source: One America News Network -

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