The David Knight Show 7Oct2021 - Unabridged

3 years ago


5:21 A medical doctor, obstetrician and former abortionist, talks about what it was like to work for Planned Parenthood part-time — delivering and saving babies one day, destroying them the next. The cognitive dissonance (that she overcame) is a picture of what the medical community has become in its transformation to the COVID Industrial Complex

16:38 DEATH PANELS for UNVAXED: Kidney Donor & Dying Patient Transplant Blocked. Woman in stage 5 renal failure whose friend would donate a kidney to save her life is denied life-saving transplant operation because she refuses TrumpShot on sincerely held religious grounds.

40:50 Defense Department funded Merck’s new PATENTED pill with $29 MILLION grant. It will now be sold back to govt at 40 TIMES what it cost to make — COVID Industrial Complex

47:51 Vax Conspiracy: “Blow Up The System” in “Disruptive”, “Iterative” Way. October 2019 — Milken Institute Health Summit — Fauci & others talk about how they can “blow up the system”, get “everyone to take vaccine that’s untested”, speed up their “flu vaccine” from 10+ yrs of testing to just months in a “disruptive” & “iterative” way

58:55 Lindsey Graham: A One-Man Propaganda Machine for Vaccination. WATCH Lindsey Graham’s MASTER CLASS in deception. His political supporters aren’t with him on vaccines but he and “conservative” media like Breitbart, Mark Levin, etc are pushing TrumpShots on the GOP base.

1:05:32 Bill Maher has taken on the lunatic left but who will take on the lunatic right?

1:06:48 Fauci spent MILLIONS to torture, dissect, murder beagle puppies, 6-8 months old. It was absolutely unnecessary according to the FDA. But what about the human babies to whom he and the FDA did the same thing to get “fresh, not frozen” human organs?

1:11:21 Gates 2010: “Digital Immunity Proof” Needed to Separate Vaxed from Recovered. It was ALWAYS a plan

1:14:19 Another vaccine adverse effect: Prion disease (Parkinson’s, Alzheimers, and the rare Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease [CJD] the human form of mad cow disease)

1:26:34 Listeners’ letters. EMS worker on hospital putting covid testing before heart attack treatment. Newsom’s vax mandate is NOT just for kids, it will soon be for teachers state-wide as LA has already implemented for teachers. 15 yr old dies of heart attack after being vaxed

1:41:20 The “$TRILLION COIN” being pushed by the radical left MMT crowd. It’s illegal, fraudulent but with hyperinflation you might get one.

2:03:22 Biden is coming after IRA’s and escalating the death tax

2:08:28 INTERVIEW: Biden’s Stalinist, Literally, to Reorganize Economy. Gard Goldsmith on the backgrounds and plans of the hardcore Marxist immigrant Biden wants as Comptroller of the Currency and her plans to enthrone Federal Reserve as central planner of infrastructure and the economy. And, in the face of persecution of parents by Biden’s DOJ/FBI, how do we reorganize education, healthcare and a new economy in grey, off-radar markets for liberty. Follow Gard at @GardnerGoldsmith on FB & Gab, @GardGoldsmith on Twitter and at

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