AZ Candidate 4 Supt. of Public Instruction: Tom Horne

3 years ago

AZ Voters View Tom's comments.
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I'm posting this video of former AZ AG & Supt of Public Instruction for my fellow Arizonians as I did when we had our AM Radio show and Video Streamed it to the Entire State & World, I'm doing this because most Voters will never meet Mr. Horne to ask him their questions 1st hand, or with others running for office as well, and therefore have to make Life Changing Decisions from TV or Social Media Ads etc., and believe this hopefully will cause some of you to dig deeper and contact this and any other Candidates who step up and ask us to do this, and hopefully they will.

I also want to let anyone who sees this to contact us if they have anyone they'd like us to speak with as well, as we also made more Videos with Mr. Horne where I interview him on specific issues and will be posting them one at a time in the next few weeks, we hope you enjoy them and remember don't listen to Political Gossip when you can contact a Candidate yourself using several different ways now open to all of us, and if they chose not to respond then it's on them.

America is in a Political Civil War of GOOD vs. Evil, and the choices you make in the days and weeks ahead preparing for the 2022 Primary election cycle are critical to the outcome of All Americans Rights, Freedoms & Liberties, and the One Tool we have is to speak out against Evil, and find others in our midst who'll run for office to remove the Career Politicians who claim to be Con-servatives, when the only thing they want to conserve is their Careers and not Our God Granted Rights and Freedoms, as their records of compromise demonstrate.

I pray you'll Share this with Everyone you know, and bring them into Reality to Stand Up Now or we won't be able to Turn this Around later Dooming Our Children, Grandchildren, and Generations into a Lifetime of Marxist Slavery, as we live in the most Dangerous Time of any Generation in American History, the Time of America's Restoration or Total Demise is at Hand.

America was founded on Christian Biblical Principles, however what has been taking place over past Decades in the Church has helped lead us into this present danger in DC, and many State Governments as well, so unless those called by His Name Repent and Turn from their Wicked Ways so God can Heal their Land our futures are doomed, how much Farther will Believers in the USA Fall before Waking Up and once again forming a Black Robe Movement in America?

We also post on,,,https://,,,, and of course our website:, as we reach out to new sources and insure against being blocked by the Socialist Media Giants.

God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk

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