Pod Cast Christ Alignment 0107 06102021 01 NWO V Issues & War

3 years ago

UPDATE 0107 05102021 01 NWO, Vaxx & Issues

1. The real issue behind Christmas is that all religions for the sake of carbon emissions and the alleged effect on climate change will be required to have all their holy and sacred days at the same time and on the same day- thus initiating the NOW one world religion. Just another step in that direction.
2. Many people are aware that there is are new frequencies being projected into the earth positively uplifting humanity (DNA) and the earth into the next phase of our evolution. It has been mentioned in media platforms that there seems to be a resonance/vibration coming up from the earth. This is the enemy pushing hard with machine vibrations against the high energy of the Elohim to stop our and the earth progression upwards in evolution.
3. The enemy repurposing everything for their own use and reasons:
• The police
• The councils
• The constitution
• Health services
• Carbon emissions
• Etc
What they are doing is repurposing everything, you now do everything for new reasons, it used to be for your country or even class but now it’s for tax payments, climate change, social conscience corresponding to the group (herd) consciousness.
This is a full out assault on us humanity on every conceivable level.
• Covid/+ super virus’s and vaccines.
• Wars - global
• Economy - collapse + digital
• Natural catastrophise and scaler wars
They have ramped up the speed and intensity because they are losing this fight and we said they don’t have enough time to get it done.
The vaxx initiative didn’t work?, what was supposed to happen in a few years after the 2nd jab or more (so it could be blamed on the individual) now happens within six months, they didn’t figure on this happening.
• Heart attacks
• Sudden cancers
• Bells palsy’s/strokes
• Nervous disorders
• Shaking
• Physical exhaustion
• Viral load shedding – nano particles
• Making viral mutations
• Blood clots – heart/brain and Venus system
• Inflammation
• Body Magnetism
• Being Irradiated
There is a case that 5G will weaken your aura and it’s the signal transmitter for the nano bots in your blood (courtesy of the vaxx) to communicate back and forth to the cloud data warehousing – as vaccines usually stay where the pathogen is expected, unlike the covid vaxx it goes all over the body immediately.
There is more in the vaxx than graphene oxide and metallic nano bots, there appears to be moving parasites of an indistinct nature. Some look like demonic miniatures in animal form such as I have seen in the astral and etheric plane (see pic) these appear to have consciousness and rational ability and move and have distinct awareness of their environment under a microscope. These seem to grow out of the metallic material, whether its graphene or not.
Spiritually we are taught our power is in the ability to acquire good clean oxygenated air (negative ions) it does appear that with you blood cells clumped and compromised the result is going to be a much lower vibration that you can become, this is unnatural as our DNA is YHWH God given and the higher energy frequencies being sent to us cannot be absorbed by damaged cells or by any new arrangement.
WWW.Orwell City, Rumble, discussions by Jose Luis Sevillano with Ricardo Delgardo Biostadistico.
The vaxx seems to affect certain “types” of humans and not so much others, these different “types” were discussed on INFO WARS by Dr Flemings’ presentation, guest of Alex Jones.
Source material: Bit Chute: Stew Peters & Tim Truth.com
I strongly suspect that they want specific human types to go asap such as spiritually aware or very intelligent humans. But they have problems with the spiritual people, religious and unvaxxed now as a matter of urgency.
They have run out of road for the argument that taking the vaxx is healthy and common sense.

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