Parashat Bereishit: Destroy and Rebuild

3 years ago

As we return to the beginning of the Torah, we encounter the revelation of G-d in the Creation narrative. The Creation account contains many mysteries and questions about G-d and the purpose of life. For example, when the Torah introduces G-d, it identifies Him by the singular-plural name אלוקים (Elokim). Elokim is not a name but is a title that corresponds to Attribute of Judgment (Gen 1:1). Throughout chapter one of the Creation narrative the Torah uses the title Elokim to describe the creation process. However, in chapter two of the Creation narrative the Torah uses the dual title HaShem-Elokim to describe the creation process Gen 2:4). How does the titles of G-d effect Creation? In relation to the titles of G-d, why does the Torah use the singular plural title Elokim which corresponds to the Attribute of Judgment to describe the process of Creation? Why didn’t the Torah use the singular title אֱלֹהַּ (Eloha) instead of Elokim? Join R' Yehezqel for the answer as he teaches upon some of the secrets of Creation in Destroy and Rebuild.

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