My Very Gay Rant

3 years ago

"Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom" - Psalm 51:6 NKJV

“The law brings about wrath; for where there is no law there is no transgression” - Romans 4:15 NKJV

“The law entered that the offense might abound” - Romans 5:20 NKJV

“When the commandment came sin revived and I died” - Romans 7:9 NKJV

“The strength of sin is the law” - 1 Corinthians 15:56 NKJV

My testimony isn’t that i was gay and now i’m not. Neither is it that I was a homosexual and now i’m a heterosexual. Being a new creature in Christ Jesus surpasses all of these labels. My testimony of Jesus is that we each have a unique expression to bear. it’s image and likeness of God! Perhaps you could regard it as the crosses we bear. Regardless, the presence of Jesus Christ in the untold depths of humanity is immanent! He is there in the most unspeakable of churnings within us all! So listen carefully to what i’m saying here! And also to what i’m not saying! This topic has been a source of great ambivalence for me! Being genuine is the only way to go!


Adelphopoiesis, or Adelphopoiia (from the Greek: ἀδελφοποίησις, derived from ἀδελφός (adelphos) "brother" and ποιέω (poieō) "make" - literally "brother-making")[note 1] was a ceremony practiced historically to unite together usually two men in church-recognized friendship in Greek and Russian traditions. It is no longer practiced in the Orthodox Church, although reportedly has still been done recently in a Syriac Oriential Orthodox context.[1]

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