The Daily Dodge by Biden press secretary Jen Psaki * Oct. 5, 2021

3 years ago

(October 5, 2021) The Daily Dodge by #Biden press secretary, #JenPsaki — #WhiteHouse correspondent #EmeraldRobinson from #Newsmax asked the Mistress of Propaganda #JenPsaki at the briefing today if #HunterBiden divested himself of all his business holdings with #China, and #Bido's press secretary spun it by saying something like, "I think you're referring to Ambassador Tie and Phase One." WTF?!?!? What does that mean? Then #Psaki falsely accused Emerald of yelling at her! FYI: Sometimes people have to raise their voice over the roar in the press room. Those slimy reporters (not Emerald) used to disrespectfully SCREAM at the top of their lungs at #Trump's back all the time whenever HE left a press briefing. (#LetsGoBrandon!)

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