wildest animals fight

3 years ago

Humans have been pitting animals against one another for profit, "entertainment", or sadistic enjoyment throughout recorded history. Species that continue to be fought today include fish, crickets, spiders, canaries, horses, dogs, and chickens. This chapter focuses on dogfighting and, to a lesser extent, cockfighting since these are the situations most likely to be encountered in shelter medicine. Dogfighting is the "blood sport" of greatest concern to animal protection, veterinary, and law enforcement professionals—as well as to the general public. Cockfighting has also become a growing concern, not only for the cruelty inherent in the activity, but also for its close association with other crimes and its implication in the spread of diseases such as exotic Newcastle disease. Most law enforcement experts divide dogfight activity into threemain categories: "street" fighting, "hobbyist" fighting, and "professional" activity. Most dogfighters attempt to provide almost all veterinary care themselves to avoid detection.

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