GMO Tuesday #3...The Squeezing of Civil Liberties

3 years ago

How do vaccines and GMO foods tie into each other???? both subjects get your voice censored...more importantly...they are both being used to control We the People.
The reason for the big fuss about the 'deadliness' of COVID"

Death rates: Ebola 50%, MERS, 34.4%, SARS 9.6%, COVID, 0.15%!!!,

lower than seasonal flu @ 0.16%.

So why the big fuss? Answer: It's "hysteria" created to help usher in the World Economic Forum's Great Reset in 2030.

The globalist central bankers (Rothschild's who own all the debt of nations) want to crash their own 'reserve bank' central-banking system (paper money) to bring in the new digital 'one world currency'.

The nations of the world whom they have indebted can't pay them back. They are all essentially bankrupt, so the Rothschild's have to pretend a "pandemic" destroyed their system, rather than inflation via worthless paper money that can be endlessly printed at interest.

Interest rates are now so low to keep nations afloat (if a nation goes bankrupt, the bankers lose out) they are below inflation, which means the bankers are operating at NEGATIVE interest. So the Rothschild bankers are actually losing their wealth fast! Their income stream (interest from national debts) has dried up for some time now and is has been in negative territory!

The Great Reset is currently touted under the "Build Back Better" slogan, where in the end "you'll own nothing and be happy", or so they say. No private enterprise and no private property. Digital currency (cashless) with a social credit score based on permanent surveillance/tracking via chip inside body via vaccines.

If successful, this ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT will own everything, and in order to have any freedom you will have to comply with everything they say: It would be world-wide socialism/communism/dictatorship via the CCP "social credit score" system. This has been in the works for over a decade, as per the Rockefeller's operation lockstep 2010: (read article here)

This is why they are never going to stop until either they take full control of the entire globe or some group of people take them out! It may end up being the civilians in the US who own 450 million firearms, that is, if the militaries around the world are also completely compromised like all the politicians, media, and medical industry (Big Pharma: The WHO, Rockefeller foundation etc) From a political point of view, our only hope is that Donald Trump gets back in as President of the United States, so let's pray he gets reinstated fast!

I live in Australia, and all the patriots down-under are eagerly watching what is going to happen in America, for it seems you are our last hope of defeating this globalist agenda. Keep fighting, mighty Americans, not just for your sake, but the sake of the entire world!

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