Wiring LED Light Bar, Spot Lights, and Fog Lights On Jeep

3 years ago

Installing LED off-road and fog lights, installing relays, and cleaning up wiring after years of redneck engineering. Wires had to be routed so that they wouldn't be pinched by the windshield. To prevent shorting of wires due to rubbing, wire loom should be correctly used. Installing relays for the high-amp LED lights close to the battery reduces the use of heavy gauge wire. The Jeep's dashboard was also customized with LED switches.

50-inch Light Bar Kit: https://amzn.to/3lF0sn8
Heat Shrink Wire Connectors: https://amzn.to/2XvBsH9
Wire Loom: https://amzn.to/2XnkcTT

Starting this project we first have to lower the Jeep's windshield. You have to disconnect the roll bar from the windshield windshield, which you may first have to spray with PB Blaster. Do not forget to remove the visor from the part that goes over the roll bar. We did this, and strong they are, move windshield will not.

Trim that fits around the door needs to be removed or it will break. Three bolts are attached to the lower part of the windshield. On each side, you only need to remove the bolt on the bottom. Put something on your hood to protect the paint before lowering the windshield.

The LED light bar can be wired without removing the dash, but we did it as part of a larger project to tidy up the wiring. Furthermore, with the dash removed, it is easier to wire the light bar right. In our video there are a lot of screws that will have to be removed. Even the screws that hold the soft dash to the dash frame had to come out. I would defiantly referance the video for this.

After all the obstacles have been removed, wiring can begin. Make sure you have quality wire, loom, and some heat shrink butt connectors and connectors. The rest should be in the light kit. Use loom to protect your wires from rubbing on metal, which can lead to electrical shorts. The heat shrink butt connectors and connectors will prevent headache caused by corrosion. We have had a lot of fun tracing wires only to find that they were rusted connections

You should not run high amp accessories from the fuse box to a switch and then the device. For the lights, relays will be required to switch on the heavy amps. In this Jeep, the best place for me to mount my relays was behind the battery, as I like to have them close to the battery. Wiring relays is pretty simple. The video of this may help or see the diagram on our website.

Relay Diagram: https://www.chrisdoeswhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Relay-Wiring-Chris-Does-What.jpg

In the Jeep YJ dash, I did find a very cool place to mount 3 switches. For now, we only need two spots. I think the third spot will be a usb outlet and maybe a DC outlet "cigarette lighter". Of course, if we do that, a future video it will be. Sorry about going Yoda a little in this video.

00:00 Intro Wiring LED Light Bar, Spot Lights, and Fog Lights On Jeep
01:41 How To Lay Down A Jeep Windshield
03:22 How To Remove A Jeep YJ Dash
05:34 Wiring LED Light Bar
07:17 How To Install A Jeep YJ Dash
08:35 How To Raise A Jeep Windshield
09:29 How To Wire A Relay
10:13 How To Mount Rocker Switches In Jeep Dash
11:33 Our Review Of LED Off Road Lights
14:43 Jeep Repair Bloopers And Outtakes

Tools We Love:
Milwaukee 18-Volt Drill and Impact Driver Kit: https://amzn.to/366BwxM
Husky Mechanics Tool Set: https://amzn.to/3kuGUzD
Angle Grinder https://amzn.to/36FaC09
Forney Easy Weld Welder https://amzn.to/3romDR1
Welding Helmet https://amzn.to/3wOq58z

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