Perplexity - Build up to Solo Section Playthrough

3 years ago

Hey Everyone!
I hope you enjoy this piece of music. Perplexity is part of a song in the writing. The Narrow Road, which Jesus the Lord calls His followers to, is a perplexing road that is impossible to walk apart from the saving work of Jesus Christ through His death on the cross for our sins and His resurrection from the dead. God now, because of this, commands all people everywhere to Repent and to believe His Son, Jesus. This means that we realize that we have broken God's Ten Commandments, which is the very deffinition of sin, and our sin has rightfully earned us God's wrath in Hell. The wages of sin is death. It is because of our lies, pride, blasphemy, lust, rebellion..... that God sent His Son to die in the place of guilty sinners. Jesus is God in the flesh, Who willingly took the wrath of His Father on the Cross for our sin.

The command of the Gospel is that we turn from sin and believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins. It is perplexing to concider the requirements of the Narrow road that leads to eternal life, but that is why Jesus said, "unless a man is born again, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God." (John 3) The point is that Jesus is the sinless Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. We are unable to save ourselves from God's wrath, That is why God sent His Own Son to suffer and die the death that you and I rightly deserve for our sin against Him. Jesus did no sin of any kind. He is the sinless Lamb Who is worthy to be obeyed. God commands all people everywhere to repent because He has set aside a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness. It is only God Who can grant repentance and faith in His Son. Scripture says, "All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved." God commands you and me to repent and to trust His Son for the forgiveness of our sins. "God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
May the LORD bless you, in turing you from your sin, to Him.

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