FB WB Opening Statements before Congress 10/05/2021

3 years ago

Francis Haugen Former FB Product Manager

Facebook Whistleblower to Senate:

Facebook's products harm children, stoke division, weaken our democracy... for five hours Facebook couldn't deepen division - Frances Haugen stated.

Haugen goes on to claim that the social media giant withholds information from the public and govts and will continue to go against the common good if it's not stopped.

When a new "whistleblower" comes into the public light, there's a pretty simple test you can run to determine if they're legit or not. Do they get the same treatment as:
Tony Bobalinski, the undercover journalists who caught Planned Parenthood execs on video talking about dismembering & selling aborted baby parts or project Veritas whistleblowers (depersoned, fired, censored, threatened with jail).

Or the same treatment as Alexander Vindman, the Facebook whistleblower, the Ukraine Hoax whistelblowers (book deals, adulation from the media, PR agencies repping them)

Not all whistleblowers are created alike. Learn to spot the PSYOPs

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