There Will Come Soft REIGNS: Update on Killer COPD Virions

3 years ago


The Atlantic took an interesting position, especially since it was this publication that took a trip to Disney World, during the pandemic, and was convinced that children who were eating their sandwiches in public should try some way to eat with their masks on, a position not far from the recent Wall Street Journal report on air travel, especially with the upcoming holiday travel, expressing concern that when all persons are unmasked eating meals, probably the best ventilation system available, would fail, creating a 59% chance of infection from COVID-19, even if the study upon which the article relied stated as a limitation with their analysis the failure of anyone to determine the infectious dose yet.

But, today, The Atlantic has taken the position, after a year, that perhaps cloth masks are not effective, even admitting what we have stated in litigation--no science supports the idea that they do--regardless of what some apparently believe, without evidence, accepting that medical guidance on faith. In fact, they even admit that N95s were withheld from the public during a year of pandemic, as we have stated in litigation for over a year, because of a concern that there were not enough, and although we could devote time and money to vaccines, and recruit people to make their own masks, apparently, there is some scientific limit on the number of N95s that can be produced.

But, for the question: can SARS-CoV-19 defeat an N95? Well, if you know why it is called an N95, because it is only 95% effective, some level of biological agent is penetrating into your filtered air, but it apparently was not enough to cause mass infections.

However, a study, still in preprint, like apparently practically everything in science during the pandemic, like the efficacy study that FDA relied upon to approve the Pfizer vaccine, not even an effectiveness test as required by law, suggests that viriols, or potent smaller particles that break off from that crown covered particle with which most are familiar, have intriguing qualities that permit them apparently to "fly in formation" and penetrate four impacting filters that are designed to make most any other virion nonviable, but if you want to believe that is natural, you need to ask why these scientists were surprised when they saw it.

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