Dr. Sucharit Bhandi Former Chief Chair of Medical Microbiology says don't get 2nd shot.

3 years ago

I am not an Infowars fan at all, however, this medical doctor who unlike Dr. Fauci is an epidemiologist, and everything he explains makes sense.

Dr. Fauci is a 79-year-old immunologist and has no knowledge in the field of epidemiology, even though he plays one on TV. (Epidemiology is (sciences) the branch of science dealing with the spread and control of diseases, viruses, concepts etc throughout populations or systems while immunology is (medicine) the branch of medicine that studies the body's immune system.

His boss, Dr. Francis Collins is a geneticist. (Geneticists study genes and the science of heredity (inherited traits passed down through generations). They study living organisms, from human beings and animals to crops and bacteria).

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