Objective Naming

3 years ago

The CSPII (Center for the Study of Political Islam International) is an independent non-profit research and educational organization. Our concern is with the ideological doctrine of Islam that relates to Kafirs (non-Muslims), and, therefore, is political. We define this part of the doctrine as “Political Islam”.

We analyze Islamic primary doctrine, and its continuous, harmful political impact on individuals and governments. We use scientific methods, rational thought and fact-based reasoning to show how the influence of Political Islam exponentially spreads within non-Islamic countries, creating the economic, legal and sociocultural foundation to turn them into Islamic ones.

CSPII informs and educates about the existential threat Political Islam poses to our civilizations with the aim to peacefully prevent its domination over people’s lives.

Learn more at https://cspii.org or join at https://cspii.org/joinus

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