Dr Jane Ruby Reveals NEVER BEFORE SEEN Covid "Vaccine" Victims' Bodies IN BATTLE!

3 years ago

Dr Ruby describes 100s of microscopic metal fragments, per drop of "vaccine", that have been injected into peoples' bodies via Covid "vaccines" from AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna & Pfizer. She shows slide images where white blood cells are "IN BATTLE" to fight off these metallic fragments.

White blood cells normally deal with some organic malignant material. White blood cells have no means to deal with metallic fragments.

In my view this demonstrates criminal intent on part of all the drug companies manufacturing such fraudulent "vaccines". This criminal intent should invoke the clause of the "Vaccine Injury Act of 1986", whereby "such manufacturer failed to exercise due care."

Dr Ruby states that the Corona Committee has a growing list of doctors that are demanding the cessation of the use of these criminal vaccines.

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