YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF #selfhealing #powerofwords #healing

3 years ago


Many people put their faith in other things to make us better when in fact we have the power to influence how our body functions

Our mind and our thoughts control our body, and our body does everything you instruct it too

Our body has our back every day and is always self regulating to bring us back to homeostasis (back to balance)

95% of our thoughts are from yesterday, they are subconscious. We are unaware of the noise and chaos that we feed our systems.

Every negative thought, every stress, every fear and worry will cause our body to react. If we live in a fear state, our body will go into a fight or flight response to protect us

Bring awareness to the thoughts that you choose to have throughout the day and see if you can change replace the negative ones with a positive

Pay attention to the words that you use, notice what you say after “I am” because this is effectively and instruction to your body

Remember your body will do what you say, and will take your thoughts and words as instructions

This is where meditation is so powerful, without the noise (instructions) your body can continue to do what it needs to, what we can do within meditation however, is give it new instructions

I am healing, I am healthy, I am happy, I am strong, I am functioning optimally

Changes do not happen over night, however if we start by continuing to feed our body with more positive thoughts and instructions, we will start experiencing changes

I work with people on their mindset and help them bring awareness to the words that they are using, they are so powerful

Today, notice the words you say and catch yourself

We always have a choice with the words that come out of our mouth, if we now know this, it is you who is in control of what you say

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