Australia - Citizen roasts “police” for giving preferential treatment to Leftist protesters:

3 years ago

Australia - Citizen roasts “police” for giving preferential treatment to Leftist protesters:

“I used to be on your side a year ago, until you started kettling me in your big army suits for Dim Sim Dan.

And attacked me for trying to have civil liberties. I was once on your side just a year ago now I’m, now I’m Richard Pusey, I hate you.

You can see why can’t you? Have a look at this out here, and have a look at what you did to us.

And all we were trying to do is fight for our civil liberties and our freedoms..

..The Psych Ops didn’t work all your made was Richard Pusey’s, thousands and thousands of Richard Pusey’s.

We hate you now. There was 99% of people, good people are now against you because of what you did.”

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