I'll take a REAL conversation any day! War is what Canada is undergoing.

3 years ago

For those of us that have been ghosted for years for speaking truths, it is a breath of fresh air to have any opportunity to speak with like-minded and knowledgeable people. With respect to privacy no names are given and only I appear on the discussion.
Feel free to join this informally spontaneous kitchen table talk.

Canada is in a dire situation and undergoing war on terror (amongst many other high crimes) mainly due to misinformation from media sources misleading people to follow the childish absolute power despot 'leadership'. REAL leaders look after their people and the common good within their nations. Spoiled brats and self-serving autocrats focus on wealth and instant gratification. When lives are being taken as a result of a few cyclical fraternity junkies, it surely can be considered as war crimes.
Our charter of rights cannot be abused any further, force bills and criminally intended mandates continue to kill and divide our population. Truths must be revealed and discussed to broaden perceptions around international issues and their relativity to history repeating itself. It's all been done before. .
To my understanding it was October 3 a couple thousand years ago that the Gallatians lost their fight for freedom through force and savage take-over. Its significance leads to another piece of our story and sheds light on how we got here today.

Any non-biased opinion conversation is always a step in the right direction for freedom of speech!

Stay strong and stand on principle, in warfare you many of us are finding that our voice is all we have left.

We will not tolerate criminal intent at any level, there is no room for hate in our country.

Love life, be kind to yourself and others, respect and protect the living.
And regardless of how it presents itself, embrace every present moment.

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