China Tank General: CNC Shockwave (mod) Let's Play

3 years ago

I examine the Tank General, His Battlemaster Tank presents a unique danger as it with a sizable chunk of his vehicles can have nuclear reactors along with the Battlemaster autoloaders that make it fire 3 shells in rapid succession. Make your some of your tanks tougher with special armor. Even procure the big and meaty Emperor Overlords that sends out healing propaganda and can get their own gatling guns. His Dragon Tank can also fire a flammable blob (it's too dark to be Nickelodeon Gak).

0:00: This man has some powerful tanks. From the small Battlemaster to the insane Emperor Overlord.

1:03: The Truck is longer.

2:36: There is something in the real world called Explosive Reactive Armor.

3:01: The Tank General has a bomber instead of a Mig fighter jet.

3:24: This tank has incendiary rockets.

3:42: The Reaper Tank doesn't look practical.

3:52: The ECM tank looks different, probably more powerful.

4:09: The Tank General's Troop crawler can only hold 6 soldiers but can recieve a Autocannon.

5:16: It has speakers and can also get a gatling cannon, but has no bombs.

7:41: It made quick work of the Command Center.

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