Gas Price Gouging 2021

3 years ago

Thanks to good old Joe Biden for all these ridiculous gas prices but now these gas stations are starting to try to pull their own quick one on the public on their consumers yeah they really care about their customers you should really check the gas pumps before you purchase because now a lot of these gas stations are either putting up multiple prices or they are putting cheaper prices on their signs to pull you in and then after you purchase you realize you paid more than what theyā€™re advertising this is what is called price gouging and I highly advise anyone that does see this if you can sue these bastards sue these bastards and tell their fucking blind that is the only way the scum will learn or is this a trick by the greedy Democrats and ordering trying to force us out of gas driven vehicles and forced us into electric cars which none of us can afford yeah all the middle and lower class can just go out tomorrow and buy $100,000 Teslaā€˜s he goes and shuts down our pipeline for crude oil out of Canada gives it over to Russia what is the sense in having the need tanker ships to move all of this crude oil it would be cheaper for Russia to go to the Middle East and get theirs and it would be better and cheaper for America to re-open the pipeline and be self-sufficient what is the sense in making us both countries have to ship audio to each other when we can get it at a closer spot it makes no damn sense is this just in a way to make shit more expensive so you can try to force us into going electric If you really want us to go to electric that bad Joe then I suggest you give each and every licensed person in this country a brand new fucking Tesla if you want it that damn badly because most of us cannot afford one you dumb old piece of shit

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