The Feds Stalking People They Want To Silence Is Not a New Phenomenon (EXPOSURE, Segment 18)

3 years ago

*** In discussing the fatal wound to Vince Foster, I refer to him being shot in the back of the head. That was an error. I apologize. There was an exit wound in the back of his head, not an entrance wound. The suspicious aspect of the wounds on Foster is that a second gunshot wound was discovered in his neck. I have attached a link below to an article that explains many of the suspicious circumstances regarding Foster's death, including the "missing photos" that depicted this second gunshot wound. The wound locations on Foster are not particularly relevant to the stalking information I share in this video.***

The FBI, Intel Agencies and our Federal Government in general have become as evil as I, and the people in this video about Patrick Knowles, tell you it has. You have felt this over the past year and a half intensely, I am sure. Many of you have not only "felt" it, but have personally experienced extremely negative and tangible ramifications in your life related to this law enforcement corruption, healthcare corruption, electoral corruption and more.

May the evildoers be exposed and brought to justice soon.

Full video RE: Organized Stalking against Patrick Knowles:

Article on the suspicious circumstances of Vince Foster's death:

The Hidden Evil / State Sponsored Terror Campaigns:

Organized Vigilante Stalking (OVS) and Freemason Connection:

I refer to the San Clemente Elks Club in this video. This will explain why:

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