Deplorables Unite (Do you hear the people sing) VICTORY Trump Anthem

3 years ago

Les Deplorables United Theme Song to celebrate Trump victory on anti-globalism trend on Nov 9 2016.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton called half of Donald Trump's supporters are a 'basket of deplorables.' But Trump supporters are embracing the term because it is an intentional declaration of an unwillingness to conform political correctness set by the left-wing propaganda.

The words "Les Deplorables" are imposed over a movie poster for the 2012 film "Les Misérables," implying a connection between current events and the Paris Uprising of 1832, as depicted in Victor Hugo's 1862 novel of the same name.

The association suggests that Trump supporters are being subjected to abuse and mistreatment because they’re being forced to kind of talk the language of other people in society. Trump supporters see parallels between the revolutionary spirit of "Les Misérables" and their great MAGA movement. The movement won't cease because Trump has waken up 80 millions American and many deplorables worldwide.

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