Liberal Media Bias

3 years ago

KKK Double Standard: There are two stories (or one story and a lack of the other story) that shows how differently the media treats conservatives and Democrats on the issue of the KKK and the two stories can be summed up in two names: Trent Lott and Robert Byrd. Even though the Democrat Party is the party from which the KKK was born, the media constantly burdens Republicans with the epithet of being Klan members. In 2002 for instance, GOP Senate Majority leader Trent Lott from Mississippi attended a retirement party of long-time Senator Strom Thurmond, famed for his anti-Civil Rights activism of the early 1960s. At the party Lott praised Thurmond’s career and said that, “If the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn’t have had all these problems over all these years either.” Lott later called this was a “poor choice of words.” The media, however, instantly whipped the story up into national news. So much so, in fact, that Lott had to step down as GOP leader. Lott’s poor choice of words cost him his powerful position. Some may say that it is good that someone with a racist past would be turned out of power and that the Old Media did its job properly. But if defeating racism was really the media’s goal, why did it never attack Democrat Senator Robert Byrd who became the longest serving Senator in history? After all Robert Byrd was an actual member of the KKK in the 1930s and 40s, even served as a recruiter for that hate group. Yet the media never bothered to question him on his membership in the KKK until 2005 only a few short years before his death. Obvious destroying Trent Lott, not rooting out racism, was the Old Media’s goal here and it illustrates well the left’s double standard on the issue.

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